Chanakya International School, 495, Punjai Puliampatti, Erode - 638 459    CBSE Affiliation No: 1931097


At Chanakya, we lay due emphasis on the students’active participation in various social, Athletic and artistic clubs, activities and forums.

A student will be expected to choose any of the clubs and he or she will be assessed on their level of participation and achievement. Teachers guide the students in making right choices in this regard through reservation and analysis.

Extra-Curricular Activities


Science Club

“Science is organised Knowledge and Wisdom is organised life”

The Science Club is an out of school hour club that offers children the chance to do science related activities. It extends and enhances the theoretical and conceptual knowledgethat the students get in theirscience classes.The Science Club functions under a Club Organizer and necessary facilities are made available for different innovative and experimental activities.


Math Club

“The Queen of Science and the King of Arts”

At Chanakya, the Math Club organizes as game-based activities for all the students basically to eradicate their math-phobia,especially in their formative years. The activities are meant for making the students learn Mathematics as fun. The Math Club provides a platform to enrich and discover the elegance of the subject, its intrinsic aesthetics and inner beauty of Mathematics as a discipline.


English Club

“Communication Skills are the important 21st Century Skills”

Communication Skills are the important 21st Century Skills. Effective communication is essential for success in personal, social and professional life of any individual. English, being the italics – (lingua franca) of the world is inevitable in a globalized world. At Chanakya, the objective of the English Club is to provide platform and opportunities for the students to enhance their communicative competence.


Heritage Club

“A school needs a heritage club”

The Chanakya’sHeritage Club channelizes the energies of students and make use of their skills and talents, which satisfy their instinct and urges their overall personality development. Through activities of our heritage club, learning of Social Science becomes joyful. The Heritage club caters to freedom of expression among the Chanakyans. Our Heritage club develops the societal awareness into the young minds in a meaningful and relevant ways.


Public Speaking Club

Public speaking is an art every student must develop. Public speaking helps to develop confidence among students, and enables them to be better prepared to take on leadership positions in future life. To bring up our students’ articulation skills to global standards, the Public Speaking Club provides thorough training through several activities


Eco club

Sensitising our young students to environment related issues is the main purpose of the School’s Eco Club. Creating Eco Literacy and Positive Environmental Attitude in the students and ensuring Eco-friendly practices in their lives are the prime motives of the Eco Club.

Quiz Club

In general Awareness Club the students gather and discuss the vital information regarding various fields of Scientific inventions, discoveries, sports, education, achievements, awards, etc. around the globe. The major issues of national as well as International importants are discussed to keep the students updated.

Sports Club

“Sound mind in a Sound Body”

The Sports Club involves physical activities which comprises of physical exertion and skill, generally played against each other by following the set number of rules in order to win or defeat other. Sports not only has physical benefits it also improves students concentration and makes them more alert and attentive. It also increases student’s social interaction and develops sports man sprit in an individual.